Opossums: Backyard Wildlife & Winter Survival


Opossums: Backyard Wildlife & Winter Survival

Date: December 12, 2023
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Location: East Granby Public Library, 24 Center St, East Granby

While we may only catch a glimpse of one late at night, these backyard neighbors play an important role in helping to control pest insect populations such as ticks. Plus, they are the only marsupial native to North America!

Ferncroft Wildlife Rescue will teach us about Opossums and their benefits during this presentation co-sponsored by Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy and East Granby Public Library. After the all-ages presentation, there will be an opportunity to meet one of the Opossum in Ferncroft’s care.

Please register in advance for free through the library.

Program Flyer (PDF)

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